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I'm quite happy with delays as long as the games released are polished and aren't buggy. I hate the idea of buying a game and having to patch the game online to make it playable, especially since my PS3 is no longer connected to the internet. I think that the biggest detriment that giving consoles access to the internet is that, it in a way gives developers a "get out of jail free card" so they can released unpolished and buggy games with the view of patching things up later.

That being said, I'm quite happy with the current crop of games released so far. Sure there have been a few high profile games which have bored me like AC, GTA4, MGS4 and DMC4. But I have been happy with some of the exclusives to date like Singstar, Buzz, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Uncharted, ROFM, R&C, Folklore, GT5P, PixelJunk Monsters/Eden and a bunch of third party multiplats...... To be honest I guess the delays haven't really affected me since the I actually enjoyed playing the games that were on offer so I didn't really experience the drought.

Having said that I am disappointed that Sony didn't choose to do simultaneous releases in all regions with games like Little Big Planet and Resistance 2. Resisntance 2 I think is getting released today in Australia and how long has it been in release in USA? That pisses me off somewhat because it wouldn't be a delay to polish the game more.