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First party releases were few and far between at first because Sony was slow to abandon support for the ps2. What if God of War II had been a ps3 title released at the end of 2007, rather than a ps2 title released at the beginning of 2007?

Now that Sony's studios are working full stop on the ps3, and now that the grunt of engine development has already been finished (most notably through the work on Uncharted and Killzone 2), we should see first party releases hitting at a heavy clip from here on out.

Just compare next year to this year.The nly first party exclusive the ps3 had for the first hald of the year was Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, and nothing else hit until July.  Next year, things start off with Killzone 2, and shortly thereafter comes White Knight Chronicles and InFamous. Then we'll see God of War III, Uncharted 2, and Ratchet & Clank Future 2 around the end of the year.  MAG, Heavy Rain, and GT5 should hit somewhere in there as well (though GT5 might get delayed until Spring '10).

Things are looking great for the ps3 next year.  The year after as well, which is when Trico and other titles will probably hit (I've given up hope on Trico hitting next year, "Olympic Team" or not).