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Grey Acumen said:

I suppose I should say that it's not marriage unless it's approved by a religious institute, though of course I just shortened that to the religious ceremony, since that's the most typical manner in which that approval is given.

And uphill or not, it's a battle that is going to be, and it's the safest way to do it. The way you seem to be going is "since they gave an inch, we should just take a mile" and that just isn't going to fly.

 I am all for having the term marriage removed as an ideal solution. I get where you are coming from I really do. You are just fighting the wrong fight on this one. Legally marriage does not, and cannot require religious approval. Discriminating against a minority based on a set of principles that cannot be applied to a legal definition is absurd. You need to fight to have the term marriage removed from any legal definition rather than keeping it from being applied to a new group.


So you're saying that ALL homosexuality or bi-sexuality is genetic/predetermined? Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds? So, is wanting to band fat chicks hard-wired too? What about cougars? How about people with all sorts of crazy fetishes? Is the S&M couple down the street into that because of predetermined circumstances? After all, these also are sexual preferences and lifestyles. By your explanation, all of these are hard-wired into people, as opposed to a choice or natural free-will preference.

 Wow, it has been a long time since I have seen anyone so desperately construct a straw man arguement. I am saying flat out sexual orientation is hard-wired yes. Fetishes are not hard wired though. Sexual orientation is not a fetish. Everything you described is a fetish and entirely seperate from the concept of sexual orientation.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229