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Gotta do a disclaimer:

  • This is not a sales thread, mention sales and you're a douche
  • This is not a thread in the gaming forum, mention the Xbox 360/Wii/PC and you're a meat head.
  • This is a thread about how you personally feel about Sonys game development strategy and how it effects you personally.

Ok, now thats out of the way.

We can all agree there are some really fantastic games on the way, we can see multiple titles where years of development have definately paid off. It seems Sonys strategy is to release fewer, release later, and release more expensive but landmark games that will be remembered for a lot longer.

So how do you feel about their game release strategy? A lot of you, including me have lived through the "drought" of games. It got so bad for me at one point I was considering picking up Bladestorm: The Hundren Year War at full price. I am extremely happy with the games which have come out at the end of this year -> Valkyria Chronicles, Little Big Planet, White Knight Chronicles (Ok, almost out!) and im even more pleased with the next years release list.

But the thing is this, are you happy with how Sony has chosen to postpone and polish these games rather than release them sooner? Or would you have been happier had they released much of the 2009 Calendar of games in 2008? Now I am a happy camper "now" but I would have given anything not more than a year ago to have some of those titles released 6 months ago even. How do you feel about this personally?

For myself, im not disciplined enough to say, delay, polish, and make excellent but in a way im glad that they did even if I had to live through that pain. I can't say that even now im entirely pleased with how they handled things as I can still remember that wallet ache of needing a new game and having nothing to buy. However for the future I can see many games releases which are worthy to stay in my collection for a long time as momentos of great experiences.

Edit: The games I already "know" I'll be getting are: Killzone 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Infamous, GT5 which is pretty big considering I hardly ever think about games more than 3 months out from release. Its really a testament to the quality I percieve coming from these games, they happened to take a long time but they make the wait worth it.
