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Grey Acumen said:
here's my take on this:

Marriage - Any Man may marry any Woman, and vica versa if those two choose to make that commitment.
This does not grant unequal rights based on sexual preference, a gay man has the same right to marry a woman as a straight man does. Just because he isn't interested is his own issue to deal with.

Marriage to me is religious. If you want to give homosexual couples a civil union that grants all the legal rights and privileges of a marriage, then that's okay with me, but it is not a marriage unless it uses the religious ceremony, and making the distinction is important to maintaining the separation of church and state.

Now as far as the religious end of things, you leave that the fuck alone. If a religion says that it recognizes a marriage between 2 men or 2 women, that's fine, but you're not going to find a legitimate Christian, Jewish, Catholic, or Islamic custom that will allow that.
If you try to force the issue, you deserve to be dragged out and hung on a steeple. You don't decide religion, you either follow it or you don't. If you want to say you're christian and get the christian ceremony, then you follow the basic doctrines of that religion, and if you don't follow those doctrines, then I hardly see why you should get the religious validation on the matter.

But what about the gay Christian churches that perform gay Christian weddings for gay Christians?  Not all gays have to be atheists.  And the law doesn't force any religious person to do anything or perform anything or recognize anything at all.  It can't, and it won't.  Gay people can go to a gay church or to a court or do it themselves in their back yard.

What about me, I'm an atheist?  Do I need to get a civil union because G-d hates me too?