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toastboy44562 said:
your point is?


uh, hmmm that's a good question.  i think my point is not really a point.  it is a question.  i'm asking why a lot of people who play video games tend to try and seperate themselves by whatever console they buy.  let's say the ps3 had an exclusive game like dmc 4 and then suddenly the game is also going to be on the 360.  from what i saw, many of the people who had a ps3 were mad about this and i wonder why they care.  that's not to say that 360 owners don't do the same things.  anyway, why is there a fanboy war going on.  it's just videogames ya know.  i hope their are more important things going on in peoples lives that they don't think about how much better they are than someone who didn't buy the console they have.  please tell me that you understand now.  i'd hate to have to patronize you further.  lol jk but maybe this clears up my point a little