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mexitalrish said:

now, i know there are an innumerably amount of these threads lying around the internet about this topic, but i really don't feel like searching for one.  anyway, my topic is not to discuss which one is better, but why most people are trying to make one sound better than the other.  i own a 360 and i love it. 

however, i only own one game which is gears of war (the actual reason that i bought a 360) but plan to get more in the future.  do i hate the ps3?  of course not.  why would i?  because it's in direct competition with the 360?  i could care less about that.  the only reason i prefer the xbox is because of gears of war and halo.  other than that, they're virtually the same thing.  sure it is said the ps3 is more powerful but power doesn't equal fun. 

if sony had more exclusives that i wanted than i would buy it also.  despite popular opinion, msg4, uncharted, resistance, and most other ps3 exclusives just don't pique my interest. 

i tend to like third party game anyway like dead space, resident evil, call of duty, and others.  to me, have exclusive games doesn't lead to a better system.  i would love to see game i wanted to play that i couldn't get on the 360 to be on the ps3 because than i would actually have to think it over.  so, what are your opinions on why fanboys are in this constant struggle with one another


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