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Super Mario 1 was cool, Super Mario 2 (J) was better for me because of its difficulty, Super Mario 2 (USA) was good, but not better than the 2 of them except for the new sprites, But neither of those get to Super Mario 3 level...

Ninja Gaiden 2 was better than Ninja Gaiden 1 (in both existing versions)...

Megaman 2 was way better than Megaman 1, and it's still my favorite of the classic series... Megaman X2 was better than Megaman 1 because the bosses put real new stuff, the 2 plot twists, the C4 was amazing doing the polygonal Sigma Virus and the awesome central computer stage, and i like X's Shoryuken better than the Hadouken... Megaman Zero is better on missions than Megaman Zero 2...

Double Dragon II was better than I and III...

I don't compare FF because they're too much different, but i can compare X and X-2 since they're direct sequels, both were good but X was way better...

DQ 2 was better than 1, but not for much, especially since DQ3 was teh masterpiece and passed them all...

Resistance 2 is better than Resistance: FOM

Doom 2 is better than Doom

Sonic 2 was better than Sonic

Kingdom Hearts was better than Kingdom Hearts 2

Fallout 2 was better than Fallout

Ufff, this was long, and i still have more games to tell...