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I think this is a more fair comparison (although it slightly gives an adv. to 07).


Week ending 17th + week ending 1st (dec)

Wii: 1141K

Ps3: 615K

X360: 581K

Total: 2337K


2008: Week ending 15th + 22nd

Wii : 1424K (+ 26.2%)

Ps3: 433K (-29%)

X360: 740K (+ 27,5%)

Total: 2597K (+ 11.1%)


As this gives a fair edge to 2007, I think we can say that overall, it is + 15-20%, + 30-35% for Wii, -20-25% for Ps3 and + 30-35% for X360.


Either way - decent increases.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS