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akuma587 said:
Absolutely. Social education is a way more effective means of preventing drug abuse than just making it illegal. People under 18, for instance, used to smoke tobacco all the time, and now it is much more uncommon because of all the information out there about how harmful it is.

There is essentially an NDA on marijuana and people aren't exposed to much good information about the drug or even information about the drug coming from sources who aren't blatantly misleading the public. Keeping it illegal simply keeps people in the dark and actually encourages abuse of the drug rather than discourages it since people don't have the information to make informed decisions.

Kasz, I'm not at the point where I would say that heroin, the opiates, and many other types of drugs are illegal, but I'm definitely for legalizing a large percentage of currently illegal drugs, especially those that you can't overdose on and don't cause much if any bodily harm, like almost all hallucinogens.

Yeah, for my stance on most issues, there is an easy test to follow.

"Can this thing i'm about to do physically hurt someone else."

If the answer is no.  I'm for it being legal.