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Those numbers dont seem correct. When I pull up sales from last year this is what I find for USA.

Week before Black Friday week
Wii 288,779
360 167,768
PS3 96,546

2 weeks before Black Friday week.
Wii 158,415
360 138,345
PS3 79,539

Black Friday week
Wii 440,804
360 274,861
PS3 175,137

Last year 2 weeks to 1 week percentage change
Wii gained 82%, 360 and PS3 both gained 21%

This year 2 weeks to 1 week percentage change
Wii dropped 2%, 360 gaines 27% and PS3 gained 15%

From week before to Black Friday week last year
Wii gained 53%, 360 gained 64% and PS3 gained 82%

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.