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Dems had a ~51 majority for the past two years, 1 or 2 Dems don't tow the party line or argue over some arbitrary point and the bill dies.

IN fact, the Reps only had a ~50-51 majority since 2001, so for the deregulation you have to blame everyone from the past 3 decades...

For the massive debt and destabilizing the middle east, breaking consumer confidence by being an inept leader, and for eliminating the free market by stopping the free passage of information that prize goes to Bush and the republican congress.

Saying Dems didn't get us out of war over the last years is stupid, because they didn't run on that platform in 2006. They ran on a platform of fixing it and switching the mission to stabalize to the point we could leave. They caused the resignation of Rumsfeld, and the replacement with Gates (Bush rushed it through before they took over, so the dems wouldn't get the credit). Since then they did prevent funding from going through with out controlling the mission, and the mission has quickly become a success. Because Bush was forced to put in non-partisan leadership, because of Patraeus, and because of congressional oversight.

A ~51 majority cannot challenge a President set on deregulation, so why waste the time when they have to fix so many infrastructure and other problems ignored by congress for the previous 12 years.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.