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Strategyking92 said:
JustinUK said:
segajon said:
Marriage is a union between one man and one woman. That's all I have to say.


Not in Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, South Africa, MA (USA), CT (USA) & very soon Sweden.

So all those places out of the world? Seems most of those places are in europe.


Same-sex marriage is legal in Massachussetts and it was just legalized in Connecticut.  And Florida just made it legal for same-sex couples to adopt.  This is a global civil rights movement that's been going on for over a century, and it's making some real progress in America.  It was only 30 years ago when they tried to make it illegal in California for gays to teach kids in schools, because "oh noes they'll convert teh kidz!"

bardicverse said:
damkira said:
bardicverse said:

On a related but different topic, I am curious as to how a gay couple would go about raising a child. Would they leave the kid to make their own decision on being straight vs gay, or would they be the inverse of a traditional couple, and make the kid believe being gay is the correct way?

Uhm.. no. Being gay isn't a choice.

For some it is. Not all apply to this, but for some people, they choose to experiment and decide they prefer that way. I have friends of both types. Being gay isnt a hardwired thing for everyone. Don't paint all people of this persuasion with the same brush.

These people who can magically "choose" their sexuality... do have a hardwired sexuality.  They're bisexual, and didn't know it yet, so they had more of a sexuality window to experiment in than most people.