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We keep hearing about how consoles are fast becoming all in one entertainment systems and I agree they might well be one day but it's obvious they are primarily gaming machines and that's how most of us see and use them as such.

I don't know if I'm alone here but I don't like using my 360 as an all in one system. I play my dvds on a seperate player (can't play my DVD+Rs on the 360 for example) and unless I'm streaming music or playing music from the 360 HDD I still use my hi fi. I have a feeling a lot of people are like me.

I've treated all the past consoles like this and it's no different this time. There is just more functionality, bettter technical specs and ease of use when using dedicated systems.

Point I'm trying to make is when people go on about a certain feature being a top selling point for a console that is not really game related, I think that ultimately it's not what most of us, casual and hardcore, look for and more importantly really bothered about.


The PSone was a huge success not because it could play music cds but because of it's games, third party support, in house exclusives and brilliant marketing

The PS2 was a huge success not because one could watch DVDs on it but again because of the same reason the PSOne was so successful

Now we are seeing the huge success of the Wii and it doesn't even play CDs or DVDs. The Blu Ray compatibility of the PS3 certainly hasn't made consumers flock to it in droves.

The main advantage of having a standard medium like a cd, dvd or blu ray is manufacturing costs and storage space.

So is there anyone who uses their console as an all in one entertainment system?