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I didn't baby the plasma much during the break in period. Now I just make sure I turn it off if I leave the room or I'm not using it (i.e. I don't leave a game paused for 30 minutes on a pause\menu screen). I know some people who hardly ever turn off their TVs and IR or burn-in might be a slight problem here.

If your viewing distance is over 6-7 feet then the resolution will be a non-factor. The cost difference is less than 10% so that probably shouldn't be a big factor either. It sounds like a win/win to me since you like both TVs. Just buy whatever looks best to your eyes. Once its in your house it will look great.

BTW - I've hoped you compared the TVs somewhere else than a big box store. I looked at my Panny at a local AV store that did not use florescent lighting. All big box stores will have the TVs set to Vivid to make the colours pop, but this setting is completely unwatchable at home lighting levels. Unless of course you have stadium lighting in your rec room:)