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NJ5 said:

"Again, neither of those are about business performance"

Tretton was obviously trying to mislead people into believing the PS3 was selling out in virtually all stores, when it clearly wasn't the case. How is that not about business performance?? Any investor who believed it would have been misled into thinking that the PS3 was a blockbuster success.

"You are not allowed to round the numbers"

So if, say, a console shipped 4.99 million units they can't say it shipped around 5 million? I highly doubt such a rule is ever followed (if it exists).


However you still fail to grasp sell through to consumer, Sell through to retailer and purchase agreements all of which feed into how a company spins what is sold and what is not by a company trying to dress up something. You seem to take there numbers as sold whenin fact a company used to report product in the warehouses as sold if retailers had agreed to purchase them. The level of standard is not there in PR releases and yes they can round up and it happens all of the time in business. I have sat through plenty of IP cases where numbers were rounded up  and down in PR releases as long as it was legitimately rounded up. In other words if they sold 19.87 mllion they will say 19.9 million. 5 million is NOT a precise number the number they released was rounded be up or down it was rounded if only by a little. You seem far to intelligent not to understand that concept.

Secondly when Jack Trettons quote was


"If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it."


within 5 minutes there were hundreds of pictures of stacks of PS3s on the internet from all diffirent sources. This was on Feb 10th 2007 almost 2 months after it was easily and readily available and the beginning of the Wii hype machine. So no your answer to that does not fly. It is also a bold way of expressing we ship and sell.


Also for a person who is such a numbers person to discount tracking and to only go by corporate PR releases is astounding being that tracking is based entirely around numbers. GfK, NPD, Chart Track, Famitsu, and Media Create are all independant and professional tracking agencies. VGchartz is also very good tracking site as well. It is true that the numbers from these sources cannot be taken as solid for a single week or day but as time goes on the outliers that affect these numbers even out that is the beauty of margin of error and also the bell curve.


One last thing all people are saying here is that Fiscal reports are a good thing they are accurate and not estimated nor rounded. they are also very clear and broken down. PR statements are controlled and only reveal what is expressly written.