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ChronotriggerJM said:

@Garnett Oh upscaling is easy :P Both Consoles do that just fine I believe, I'm just saying in native terms ^^

MGS had plenty of areas that were pretty large on the scale :P and had plenty of moments with big fire-fights, allies and enemy's both. So I'd compare the on screen enemy counts as well. And I'd definitely give the "amount o' shit on screen" award to MGS4, you felt like you were in an all out war at many times in that game! But that's a whole different conversation ^^

As for forza I'm only reading 720p, I think that link says it upscales to Support 1080 sets. :x But I could be wrong. I'm just saying I think the PS3's got more native 1080. Regardless of what games are showcasing, I'm not seeing similar on the 360.

I heard that the 360 GPU is better at upscaling which is why 360 has a VGA plug and PS3 dosent.


MGS4 has no where the number of enemys on screen,i mean hundreds.


And i never trust wikipedia,only real websites :)

and i read online that GT5P isnt true native 1080p its 50% upscaled.