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agree with the above. If the PS3 is hit hard this xmas with sales of 2-1 maybe even 3-1 by the 360 then that will knock the PS3 out of the hunt for 2nd race. With a gap in US of near 9m if that is the case then Sony will not gamble on a price cut and lose so much money in the hope they will catch the 360. That would be company suicide. The reason the 360 is doing so well now is simply down to its low price and the fact some of the casual market have gone for it. The PS3 will never be as low in price as the 360 and will never attract the casual market that is making the Wii so dominant hardware wise and giving the 360 a boost. I just cannot see any % of that market holding off to buy a PS3.
The PS3 needs a price cut, and it needs it now. Having one in March in a slow period for games due to everyone paying off their xmas 08 bills will have next to no effect on sales accept maybe halt the PS3 slowdown for a bit. Personally i think the biggest mistake Sony have made this gen is not having a price cut for this holiday. But maybe they are now not caring about 2nd place, they just want to make money as that is what they are, a buisness. They are not in the buisness to throw money away and run at a loss. If this holiday sees a increase of 1m-2m in US for the 360 over the PS3 then this one is over regardles of price cut or not.