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ChronotriggerJM said:
Well yeah I think Killzone 2 looks amazing :P Don't get me wrong, but it's resolution is still 720p :P I just think it's amazing for it's particle effects, and lighting n' "stuff".

I won't make excuses for why the previously mentioned games were in 1080p, I mean think about it... Forza wasn't, gears 2 is pretty much close quarters, and they're still in 720 :x So I'm not sure what the dealio is... but that's really all I have to go off of ^^

Although I think someone mentioned in some other topic, that although Gears is in 720, it still had a higher resolution than MGS4, anywho, I'm not really clear on all that stuff :P But I think the PS3 still has the edge here ^^ Judging from what's out.

Eh,its VERY hard to get GOOD looking games running at 1080p native,now upscaling can do the same thing without the strain on the console.


Fronza 2 has 1080p,Gears of war 2 is much more open than MGS4 and thousands of enemys on screen when MGS4 only has 10 max.