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I have the Panasonic TH-42PX75U and have not had any problems with burn-in. It does accept a 1080P signal but its resolution is only 1024x768. However, as tuoyo stated, resolution is not the most important factor for a TV (I think colour reproduction and contrast are ahead of resolution). You will need to sit closer than 7 feet away for you eye to notice any difference between a 720P and 1080P image.

Also burn-in (permanent) is basically a thing of the past. Image retention (temporary) can still happen with TV logos or static HUDs in games. I was a bit worried about IR when I first got the TV but I have only noticed it for a few seconds after switching to an all-black channel (and only if I really look for it).

A major problem to watch out for is glare. I have my TV in the basement and even with curtains over the small windows I notice them. LCDs apparently don't have as much glare and are better for bright rooms.

As for power consumption LCDs are a bit better (but not $10/day better). However, they draw a constant amount of power for their backlight. Plasmas will vary drawing maximum power for a white screen, but less power than an LCD for a black screen.

Although I picked a plasma, I would need to reevaluate LCDs today since they have improved quiet a bit.

I just noticed that the LCD you are looking at is a Panny. Although they make good plasmas they don't have as much experience with LCDs (Sammy's were better although that might have changed).