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Reasonable said:
Squilliam said:
@Reasonable, you're making one huge assumption.

You're assuming that the Xbox 360 wouldn't have done similarly as well had the economic crisis not hit.


Well, I have to disagree a bit - I think I'm making one small assuption - that the 360 wouldn't have done similarly as well had the econmic crisis not hit.

I belive MS made a good price cut, one that would put them back level with PS3 with good games ready to deliver additional boosts.

Assuming the data on this site is accurate enough to judge by, the indicators are the 360 has seen a massive additional boost on the back of the crisis.

Even MS are now repeatedly referrening to this same fact in their own press releases.

I'm sorry people think I'm somehow diminishing MS or their price cut by saying they were lucky how it coincided with their price cut, but its just the truth, and I don't think it diminishes or critices anything they did.  It's just very unlikely you'd be seeing the current sales jump over PS3 without the economic downturn.

From a larger perspective, what will be interesting to see is whether the advantage it drives for their entertainment division matches the likely dip they're expecting to see in their core buisness.  I suspect it actually may not, and that overall MS end up worse off overall due to the economy that better off.  But the 360 is benefiting without a doubt.  Even better for MS the PS3 will likely suffer at the same time, giving their entertainment division a double boost as it were.


I believe you're wrong.

The Xbox 360 is also suffering under the same conditions. So whilst there may be a substitution effect going on, its not as significant as you might think as the European market, like the Asian markets aren't as debt reliant/laden as the American market. This is the area where the Xbox 360 has seen its greater relative gains. In the American market for this to hold true you would expect the effect to be far greater as the Xbox 360 is seen in higher regard over there and the PS3 is just as relatively expensive as in the European markets and the effects of the economic crisis are hitting much harder.


