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1 - Marriage is/was designed as part of a religious ceremony. Gov't should have NO bearing over marriage, and should be up to the churches/temples/etc who they decide to marry. The gov't shouldn't even be included AT ALL in this religious ceremony. Separation of church and state, please.

2 - In replace of marriage, the gov't should only be able to join people in a civil union, and it should have nothing to do with sex, love or anything. It should just be 2 people deciding to team up economically under one roof, this could be 2 friends, you and a family member, whatever. All the gov't/tax breaks and perks without any emotional/spiritual commitment.

On a related but different topic, I am curious as to how a gay couple would go about raising a child. Would they leave the kid to make their own decision on being straight vs gay, or would they be the inverse of a traditional couple, and make the kid believe being gay is the correct way?