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Reasonable said:
sanadawarrior said:

Er, my dad has been saying the current economic crisis was going to happen for years. It's all he's been talking about because he watches CNN all day and that was all their analysts would talk about. If you think companies like MS and Sony don't have expert economic analysts who watch the market and make predictions to help their company make decisions, I don't know what to tell you...

And your Dad is now a multi-millionaire by using this knowledge to invest to take advantage of the crash he saw coming?

As MS, and Sony, and every other large multi-national company is raking in millions because their accountants saw this crash coming and prepared the company accordingly?

And Bill Gates happened to be looking the other way which is why his foundation (along with almost every company) has seen massive delvaluation of its assets?

Get out of here!

Sure the signs were there but are you actually reading the news, etc?  Every major company, bank, etc. has been caught completely short here and is suffering.  Do you actually know how much money globally is being put in by countries to bail out all this mess?

MS were as ready and prepared for this as anyone else - which is to say not at all.

I'm not knocking what they've done, but the lift the 360 is going to see due to the economy is pure, blind luck.  Nothing more.  Doesn't invalidate it.  But that's what it is.

I suggest more people review the excellent review by The Source on 100 week trends to see that, until the economic crisis, 360 was tracking just ahead of Xbox and overall MS had barely improved over previous generation, whereas Nintendo have almost exactly swapped position with Sony for sales, and the gain in marketshare of Nintendo almost exactly matches the loss by Sony.

I'm astonished people are actually posting that of course companies like MS knew all about the impending implosing of the global economy, the destructive of current investment and banking institutions and the impact it would have on consumer spending because they have such amazing accountants, etc. etc..  Do you realise how foolish that assertion looks?  Particularly as its glaringly obvious that as a company (I mean in total, not just Entertainment Divsion) MS made absoloutely no move to provision against the crisis or take advantage of it?

Love your 360 if you must, I certainly don't object nor have anything against the console or the company itself, but please don't let it cloud your understanding to this degree.  Seriously.  It's just plain silly.



Why do you have to be a cock holster?  The guy was obviously stating that if an ordinary man such as his dad could see it that it's obvious that companies like Microsoft and Sony had this situation planed as a possible senerio.  As for the economy it was a long time comming and anyone who was part of a major market could see it from a mile away... hell I knew this shit was bound to happen back in 2006 when my company dropped 200 people because of the housing market (I worked for Lennox Hearth Products)  The housing market was just the tip of the iceburg of the stupidity of the banks and lenders.  It's absolutely absurd to think that they didn't have a clue about what was going on.