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As for why:

Okami - main character is a dog. Okay, a wolf. Also too stylized for mainstream tastes.

Zack & Wiki - Niche genre, cartoony style probably didn't help but it works for Sam & Max and Strongbad...

No More Heroes - Art direction made this niche. Overworld like GTA but kinda amatuerish in comparison. But great game.

Marble Mania - Too expensive, too short

Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2008 (Release months after the other versions, same for the upcoming 2009)

de Blob - New IP, new genre, too cutesy, can't save mid-level. No co-op.

Boom Blox - Might make 1m when price drops to $20. Getting a sequel.

Medal of Honor : Heroes 2 - Broken people in online multiplayer really hurt (everyone walks around like an old man with a broken waist), meh graphics but good shooter. Best shooter until CoDWaW

Godfather Blackhand edition - Gameplay as kinda flat aside from shooting and beating people up. Really should have sold 1m. Doesn't appeal to kids, women.

Bully Scholorship Edition - As above

Pinball's Greatest Hits The Williams Collection - Niche but amazing. Might hit 1m

Madden NFL 2009 All Play - Too kiddified??

Lego Indiana Jones (will hit a million)

Tiger Wood PGA 09 (Came out right as Wii Motion Plus was announced, which I'm sure will be used in next years version. That didn't help sales)