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I am not picking on Sony here it is just that at the start of this gen theywere the worst aggravators of the type thing we are discussing here.

So amirnetz you mean to tell me that when Sony announced that the famous Killzone 2 trailer was actual in game realtime footage and not a target render that they were breaking the law?

Remember when Sony said the PS3 was sold out in a PR statement and the internet flooded with pictures of it in complete stock?
(it was likely sold out at one or two retailers)

Or win they made a PR statement about the PS3 being cheaper than the 360?
(after they added the HD-DVD player, 20 GB HDD and wireless controller and XBOX live gold account to the cost of a core system)

This is what companies do they spin during the PR announcements. This isn't the same type of claim and much more grouunded in reality but you can see how a good PR person can stretch the tiniest grain of a fact and push into an exageration.

BTW if we are undertracking here how about NPD. The fact is there is a bigger more established I will not say more accurate but no offense Ioi (I love this site) more reliable data source for this sort of thing GFK and chart track. Have you looked at those.

It is a fact that PR statements are not held to the same standards as aquarterly report and even if it were than it is not enforced and therefor Null.
As you can see from the above the truth is irrelevant and if the actual number were 4.6 they CAN round it up 5 million if they wanted tobecasue 5 is closer to 4.6 and they are releasing a whole number. It could also be an approximation based on a cursory glance of reprots as well the truth is you I don't know. But to take a PR statement as gold and instead of adding it to the bigger picture makes you look narrow.

BTW forgive the typos I have to write these posts fast at work.