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@The Ghost of RubangB

I don't know if i see too much wrong with the game industry...let alone calling it "pathetic weak dying joke".

While those stories of "20% of games make a profit" do sound like the industry is dying... I like the fact that we most likely will get less crap games. If Golden Axe remake was good, it would have pulled in a profit.

In any case, thats a different topic.

While Nintendo does everything you said in your reply... I am not a Nintendo stock holder, nor am I an advocate for equal market exploration. To me, all that matters is that I have a console that goes online with friends, gives me access to latest games that look good, play good and sound good and gives me a variety of those games that I can spend my 60 bucks on few times a month. So while I understand Nintendo’s strategy, and don’t blame them for doing what they do...they have to understand why the general consensus for hardcore gamers is that Nintendo has fallen off the charts.

While its not in Nintendos best interest to keep me buying exclusives...and paying rockstar 20 million for a GTA4 port, its also not in their best interest to pretend like they are still the champions of hardcore.