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One-slippered woman + a stroller = Xbox heist at Hoboken blockbuster

A woman wearing a sneaker on one foot and a slipper on the other used a stroller to steal more than $600 worth of Xbox equipment from Hoboken's Blockbuster on Monday, police said.

The woman, who appeared to be in her late 20s, came into the store with a child between the ages of 7 and 10 years old at 3:09 p.m., police said. Police didn't know the child's gender.

The woman, who was was pushing an empty stroller with a pink and white blanket covering the seat area, waited until the clerk was busy with a customer and then grabbed an Xbox 360 "Value Pack" -- containing a game console, three video games, two remote controls and a gold online membership subscription -- from near the front counter and hid it under the blanket, police said.

The thief then circled the store, made sure the clerk was still occupied, and took another value pack, police said.

Next, the woman left the stroller unattended while she asked the clerk a question. As she was talking to the clerk, another young woman entered the store and walked out with the stroller. The first woman and child left the store soon after, police said.

A store official said the stolen merchandise was worth $670, police said.

No arrests have been made and the investigation continues. And Hoboken Now continues to wonder how a woman who managed to successfully steal so much merchandise with a coordinated plan didn't notice she was only wearing one shoe.

Tis the season.