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As a software developer, I personally don't have any problems with piracy. If your business model can't be sustained due to whatever reason, then you simply go out of business. Sure, this might affect the way things are done now, but the arts have survived for thousands of years without copyright, so why would they suddenly disappear if your product isn't artificially protected?

Funnily, out of all the places I've worked, I've seen more piracy between employees in companies that produce "Intellectual Property" (which include a software development company and a post production film company (computer graphics related)) than the companies that actual produce physical products. Though this might be more related to the fact that the "IP" companies I've worked for have a much younger employee age, probably in the late 20s.

That said, so far this year I've purchased 29 games. I have no problem supporting companies that I feel have delivered a decent product, however, if you're going to produce a product that infringes on *my* copy rights (e.g. fair use) with rubbish like DRM, then why should I respect your copy rights.