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Dodece said:
Saying Microsoft was the benefactor of luck utterly ignores that of all three players Sony enjoyed the greatest undeserved success. Imagine if these events had unfolded just a year earlier. How would have Sony fared. What if they had happened two years ago would the PS3 have even been able to survive its first six months on the market. The market meandered here for years. The market was highly susceptible not only was it a matter of time, but the longer a correction was deferred the greater the effect.

Microsoft was a benefactor of its own conservative generalist strategy. Which gave it the adaptive edge for margin. The Sony model for their console only works well given certain conditions are met. The Microsoft model works well regardless of what the economic conditions happens to be at any given moment. Microsoft colonized early, incorporated many revenue streams, exploited each price market to its fullness, and most importantly conserved resources.

I see many posters griping that Microsoft just got lucky. How is it lucky to have a merit of your strategy pay out. For Sony the reckless spending that precipitated much of this economic crisis paid out for them. The spending was not realistic. Many consumers were spending far more then they should have for a console it was terribly foolish for many of them. Now reality has come crashing down, and your saying Microsoft got lucky, because everyone screwed their heads on straight. Something tells me a few people still haven't screwed their heads on straight. Microsoft simply roped a dope.

They had a strategy, and they had the confidence to stick with that strategy. They followed through even when it was costing them market share. That is not luck in my book. Luck is not something you earn. Microsoft earned this, and they will deserve all the advantage it gives them, and all the damage it does to Sony.


Well said everyone loves to rank on MS they did well this generation.  They have many smart buisness moves everyone called the latest price cut deperation I called it smart buisness move.  They have focused on several different fronts and is solidy in second.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks