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akuma587 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
akuma587 said:

Universal healthcare would really help a lot of employers (if implemented correctly) as it would shift a lot of burden away from them in having to ever offer healthcare to their employers.


Obama's plan is to tax the shit out of any company (excluding small business) that does not provide healthcare.

Companies will be paying for it one way or another. The only thing this does, is hurt the ones not providing it. It does nothing for the ones that do. Unless by some miracle, insurance rates go down. It has been my experience that when Government gets involved, prices alway go up. Every single time.

There is no evidence that this would be any different.

Just like when the government decided to deregulate the health insurance market across a number of states, like Texas, and rates skyrocketed?  Damn that government involvement!  The government should get involved way less often!

And note, I wasn't talking about Obama's healthcare plan.  I think there are better ways to do universal healthcare than Obama is proposing, but the American public is still pretty resistant to true universal healthcare.



There is a huge difference between the government regulating something, and the government running something.

When you give money to the US government for the purposes of providing a service, the level of efficiency is orders of magnitude lower than the private sector. Find me one example where that is not true.