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Since Smash Bros, the only game i've bought is de Blob, a very very cool game...

I wanted to buy one or two games each month from september to december, but i'll keep my money for some excellent 2009 releases... the only exception will be World of Goo, when it will be available in december in Europe...

I still like my Wii, i play it a lot, and my Wii games have given me a lot of fun, but for sure, Wii's holiday season line-up is weak, very weak when you like highly creative games...

But if a really good game takes a minimum of two years to be made, i imagine the actual 3rd party line-up began just after Wii's launch, when all the gaming community allatoyahs told everyone "Wii's just a fad and will never last"... so the uncertainty, and the lack of commitment and investment...

Most of the actual Wii games are poor cash-ins and sometimes small budget "ok games", but these are only the first attempts to really get the Wii hardware and all the new gameplay possibilities...

Next year, the quality will rise, and i can wait...

And i surely won't blame Nintendo, but rather all these 3rd parties playin it too safe, provin' day after day that a large part of this industry is just unimaginative and totally worthless... big corporations with no soul, and all their money on "super-hyper" PS3 projects, which will finally get hardly profitable... many didn't want the Wii to win for that reason only... and now, they'll have to deal with Wii's success anyway...

And i'll see if their future games are worth my precious money and my always too limited gaming budget... there's no room for everyone in my budget, and if i may rent a "so-so" or "just ok" game, i'll never buy it full price, maybe cheaper in second-hand then... but full price, for me, is for masterpieces only...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."