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Well it just go back to the hypocrisy of most people about the Wii platform. People buy and praise the platform solely for its 1st party editions yet complain and bitch all the time about lack of 3rd party: ya know the parts they haven't care about in the beginning. Even more so they question why the 3rd party games don't sell like the 1st party ones yet they admit that they buy it solely for 1st party and 3rd party games aren't the same quality as the 1st party.

I mean when it comes to Wii and software, it's not going to win anything with these people. They are ignorant, bias, and hypocritical. And that's what happens when your the leader you'll be subject to this. So its best just to leave the debate of Wii software up to people that understand it from a non bias point of view and I'd be glad to help some people understand why some software sells and others don't.

Now why isn't Sony and MS held accountable for the inverse? Well MS doesn't make game aside from the guys they buy out so it's hard to hold them accountable for much but its obvious the franchises they do have such as Fable and Banjo Kazooie are under performing when compared to such 1st party games on Wii. Now Sony on the other hand is in many respects a lot like Nintendo so to see some of their biggest games releasing under perform is something a little more scary. Their biggest franchise is Gran Turismo which hasn't released yet so not too much worry. It's possible that it's the inverse of Nintendo for Sony, that its first party games simply can't compete with 3rd party. I think Resistance 2 vs. COD5 is a pretty good example of that.