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Speaking to the rumor I freely admit I am dubious of this rumor. This would actually be a poor strategy applying the price cut to only one region. Like it or not we live in the information age. They slice the price there every gamer on the cusp in other regions will stall, and wait for the domino effect like trained dogs. That is just a bad precedent.

Worse it would be viewed as favoritism, or more like thumbing their nose at North America. Gamers in this neck of the woods are far less tolerant of poor treatment. While Europeans strangely enough seem indifferent. They will gladly reward a company for a delayed launch, delayed ports, and truncated hardware. North America would not tolerate such, and I have little doubt if Sony delivered one price cut this year to one region, and snubbed the other their would be a lot of hate directed at Sony, and sales would suffer for it.