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The problem isn't that Nintendo hasn't release solid games. They have.

The problem is most people don't understand that Nintendo is being smart and doing what is already common in the movie and other entertainment industries - counter content.

In Hollywood if Sony is releasing Spider-Man 4 (for examply) Warner is not going to release Batman 4 on the same week. That's doesn't benefit either of them. They release Batman a month later when the Spider-Man effect has worn off. So do they not place a movie against Spider-Man?? Of course they do. You release a Devil Wears Prada type movie. Both do well because they appeal to different markets.

Nintendo is bringing that strategy to gaming. Look at the huge volume of action and FPS titles out this holiday season. It's a bloodbath and many great games are going to fail to profit because they all released at the same time. People only have so much money and time. If Nintendo did bring out Starfox and Pikmin the fanboys would be happy but for every multiconsole owner those games would be competing for the same set of money. By releasing Wii Music and Animal Crossing now, they grab all those people who are not interested in competitive games instead - which is bigger than the fanboys realize.

Come next spring they'll likely bring out there more core titles (Punch-Out, Sin & Punishment and others) at a time when there's less competition for the 'core' market.