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NJ5 said:
thx1139 said:
KichiVerde said:
It seems silly that MS masterminded this turn of events. They are simply benefiting from a financial crisis that has put Sony in a difficult position. The unfavorable export situation brought about by a weak dollar has vastly reduced their profit margin. For that matter the Wii is also at a loss. Would any one say that MS planned that too?


No they didnt mastermind this turn of events. The turn of events (which started with a poor holiday season overall last year in retail. Or I could say it really started when G.W. was elected back in 2000) just made Sony's problems and arrogance that much worse. Sony really thought they could do whatever they wanted this generation. That arrogance killed Sony and this holiday and possibly all 2009 will just make the loss of marketshare that much bigger.

I can assure you that Sony's execs are worried about much more than market share right now. It's just not in the news yet (well, it is barely), just wait about two months.


Oh yeah. I know.  Im in Japan and all their high end exporters are being hit hard by this crisis, especially Sony.  For the last several years they have been losing out in sales to Korean companies like Samsung and LC, and even more recently Chinese companies. This is just not a gaming issue, but their entire electronics line from TV's to earphones. And they have no one to blame but themselves.  They were arrogant and allowed the competition to catch up with them. A typical example "Korean products will never match Japanese products in quality."  Its much like GM in America.  Its sad but a company has to tread carefully or one big hiccup can reverse their fortunes.

In the case of their PS3 and gaming division, this crisis can not be good. But I say the hell to them. I never liked the PS3 because they didnt commit to it completely.  Rather than make good quality games right away they focused too much on the PS2 and PSP. Ut hurt them in the beginning while they just assumed it would sell anyways.  Arrogance. As for the XBox360, MS made every effort to appease their supporters from the past generation and committed fuily to the system. They had a few missteps here and there (ring of death) but they did what they could to improve the situation while PS3 couldnt take much advantage because of their horrid game library.



Oh yeah. I know.  Im in Japan and all their high end exporters are being hit hard by this crisis, especially Sony.  For the last several years they have been losing out in sales to Korean companies like Samsung and LC, and even more recently Chinese companies. This is just not a gaming issue, but their entire electronics line from TV's to earphones. And they have no one to blame but themselves.  They were arrogant and allowed the competition to catch up with them. A typical example "Korean products will never match Japanese products in quality."  Its much like GM in America.  Its sad but a company has to tread carefully or one big hiccup can reverse their fortunes.

In the case of their PS3 and gaming division, this crisis can not be good. But I say the hell to them. I never liked the PS3 because they didnt commit to it completely.  Rather than make good quality games right away they focused too much on the PS2 and PSP. Ut hurt them in the beginning while they just assumed it would sell anyways.  Arrogance. As for the XBox360, MS made every effort to appease their supporters from the past generation and committed fuily to the system. They had a few missteps here and there (ring of death) but they did what they could to improve the situation while PS3 couldnt take much advantage because of their horrid game library.