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Nintendo is not that much like Sony and MS. Their 1st party games are capable of actually carrying their hardware, Sony and MS could not do that. They absolutely need 3rd party support to be successful.

Because of that situation Nintendo focuses on making great games and their IPs have always been held to the highest standards.

Just look at home many Nintendo games sell 5m+ as compared to anything 1st party to MS or Sony.

Unfortunately that also has drawbacks as on Nintendo hardware a 3rd party has much stiffer competition.

Personally, I think that is the problem with MS and Sony. They need better 1st party games to push their names. PS3 would be doing much better if it were not losing all of its best games exclusivity. Had GTA and other top notch games been 1st party PS3 would be the HD system to have.

Honestly I can only think of maybe one game each that MS/Sony has 1st party control over that has a major pull for the consumer. Halo and Gran Turismo respectively. Whereas Nintendo has Super Mario, Brawl, Mario Kart, Zelda, etc.