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I guess all of those bundles and the price drop have kick started M$ this Holiday Season. All around looks like decent #'s for everyone but outstanding for Nintendo and to some degree M$. I wish we had a COD:WaW bundle over here in the states, I would buy it for my sister and keep the game for myself! :D

I just got my 360 back from servicing, and I am very impressed with the new NXE features. I have been streaming the first season of Friday Night Lights (HD) and have had no issues. I think this feature alone will sell some consoles over here in the states. I wish they would open something like this up over in EU for you chaps as well. It really is a very nice feature.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!