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Sony make a mistake when adding the Blu-Ray player, everyone knows this. There is still room for DVD and after this Gen there will be a need to more space on the disk. MS know this and took full advantage of it. The PS brand for sony is now not there main focus, this is why the don't reduce the price. Any company that had there main product being out selled by its main two rivals whould have a contigency plan. This to me shows how much they are out of touch. I see romours of a price cut In march, that to me is 5 months too late. There are only 5 or 6 holiday periods in a console like, they have lost the first 2 and this one looks grim for them. They are now just trying to cut there losses and I think they are looking at an early PS4 release, which will be just a update of the PS3 to keep the cost down. They have been burnt badly this gen and they may even miss a gen, who knows they are in a lot of money trouble.