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Not a fan. Though i can't outright hate it due to people playing the overexaggeration game about both what it is and what it does to the industry.  It's not killing the industry, the industry has bigger problems.  It's just being a scapegoat. 

Also it's not even piracy or stealing.  It's copyright infringment, and it's basically only illegal because it's easy to do.  If Jesus came back from the dead and started copying food like he used to, nobody would throw Jesus in jail (for that.) 

Digital Media is the only thing that's illegal to copy, because it's really easy to copy digital media.  Which if we didn't have interventionist governments would mean that said companies would need to find a different buisness model.  Which would be healthier but oh well.  Since we do have such an interventionist government piracy is wrong.

Another reason I can't hate it is that often times companies specifically instigate things to "stop piracy" that they know won't even dent piracy like some DRMs and shit which only hurt the playing customer, causing me to lose respect in the developers.