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The blue ray does little to improve game play experience - some of the best gameplay i get is in the downloadable games like wipeout HD at under 1 GB ! or loco-roco !.
Also the PS3 physical memory of 500Mb total means you can only make a game longer rather than actually improving the gameplay or graphics much - the HDD can work with the blu-ray of help graphics and gameplay a little but it's still too slow to help much - so dont expect much from it.

The 25Gb does allow more high def cutsceens and in game movies though and extra content like interviews or such but most developers wont use this much anyway.

What improves gameplay most is better interfaces , high frame rates, and good design, not the total amount of space they waste.
Unfortunatley most games on console have poor frame rates around 30fps - and a crap dual thumbstick interface where a mouse pointing device would work far better, and blu-ray cant fix that.!

PS3 number 1 fan