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@ WessleWoggle

It's actually easier and more comfortable for me one the Xbox 360 controller because my palms have somewhere to rest,

My large palms  rest just fine on the DS3/Sixaxis controllers, just the pollicis brevis muscles have more freedom to get to all the buttons.

The action buttons are also a bit larger it seems on the Playstation controller. It's interesting that some people find handling the right analog stick, left d-pad as well as handling the action buttons all with one thumb a good approach. I imagine the bulk of people would have to slide their right hand trying to hit the left d-pad button and alternating between buttons should of course be easier with the Playstation controller as you're using both thumbs.

I do have to wonder how people are holding these controllers, in the grabbing position of the hand unlike what some say for the Playstation controller the left thumb is much closer to the maximum loose packed position and a lot more freedom to move the thumb around, assuming there are aliens amongst us the hand lay-out is roughly the same for people. Pulling left on the 360 you get to a pretty closed packed position of the thumb and while holding the assymetric 360 controller symmetrically pushing forward should be harder for the bulk of people.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales