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Well I can tell you that no self respecting computer scientist would argue real world performance in terms of "FLOPS potential". This is the realm of marketing droids of various hardware manufacturers.

Agreed... However its the only thing that makes 'sense' for the crowd. :)

You can safely ignore the OP as it's a pretty safe assumption that it's based purely on emotion.

Well, there are good points like usage of SPUs as CELL in PS3 do not use all of them. Other than that it theoretically BS that has very little to do in real cases.

Nobody, certainly not from those emotionally attached to Sony, seem to mention that the xbox360 has dedicated hardware for AA. I take that back. Some of those who are emotionally attached to MS refer to it as 10MB of some kind of super special magic ram.

Yes, daughter die is 'made' for AA, but you can also use it for other stuff too. Anyway you are right. Its not a some kind of super special ram and I admit I was wrong. Its seems to exists for postprocessing pixels etc.

(Heh, hopefully you weren't referring to me as emotionally attached to any of console as I am more like PC purist/elitist. If I am wrong about something just correct me, I try to remember it next time. :) )

The EDRAM has built in logic to perform Z compare, alpha blending, and resolving anti-aliasing samples into pixels. Normally those operations happen on the GPU, and require not only valuable silicon real estate and on-chip caches, but eat into memory bandwidth as data has to go back and forth to the GPU from the main graphics RAM. ATI's solution of building that logic into the EDRAM where the back, Z, and stencil buffers live eliminates a lot of data transfer and save time and silicon space on the GPU die itself. Because of the bandwidth savings and absolutely massive bandwidth to EDRAM, the Xbox 360 should be able to perform frame buffer effects like motion blur, depth of field, or lens flare with incredible speed.,1697,1818140,00.asp

What does it matter how biased or unbiased any opinions offered here are? I see very little evidence that understanding of the facts have significant influence on any of the conclusions I read (didn't read every post, but I'm pretty sure I read enough). Therefore, if it wasn't for bias the conclusions would just have a gaussian distribution. Thus I think I can give you a picture of what your bias free vgchartz would look like as we can closely emulate this theoretical universe by flipping a coin. Heads person X says the CBE is "more powerfull". Tails person X says Xenon is "more powerfull".

Both are quite powerful machines. Both of them have their own strengths and both of them can do some things that other can't.

PS. Its good that your back. I was getting tired with MikeBs propaganda posts. Hopefully youre still around when I try to make something for PS3 as I am sure that you might be able to help me with it, if I have probs. ;)

(However it seems that with current prices and pricecuts it will take a long time before I own one.)