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puffy said:
Yeah because we're in Australia we have no idea what's happening..

That said we aren't in as much shit as America although our dollar has tumbled from 90 US cents to around 60 US cents in the last couple of months so.. yeah..

I'm sorry if you were upset at my comment but I recall during the time period when NA VGCharters were freaking out about the economy, I saw quite a few posts of people outside of NA downplaying the situation. Again I'm sorry if you felt I generalized Australians in any way and in fact was going to visit Australia to live at my friend's ranch 2 years ago. Personally I think Australia is awesome, to be able to go to the beach and snowboard in the same day, toilets that flush backwards, and Summertime in our Winter seems amazing. Forgive?

Edit: Also as a music student I don't get much outside air, what little time I have is spent gaming or with my girlfriend, if i'm not doing either I'm probably locked in a practice room. As a result I watch practically no TV, read no newspapers and when it comes to news of other countries I know absolutely nothing. Since I myself live in an abnormal situation (I had no idea about Hurricane Ike for a good 2 weeks, I found out about it from a Ike benefit recital...) it's easy for me to assume the same of others. (that they don't get much news of the other countries, shoot I don't even get much news of my own country, AIM's news reports and VGCharts actually give me the most news...)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-