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I think the PS3 has some major issues if Blu-ray is it's X-factor as opposed to deciding factor (I'm assuming X Factor is what draws people in and deciding factor is what makes them choose one alternative over another).

Oh wait, you're talking about storage capacity rather than as a movie format.

I'm going to say no. With HD gaming and the emphasis on ZOMG graphics these days, aside from being able to hold more video's/FMV's (i.e MGS4 and FF13), Blu-ray's advantages are basically nil. More storage is nothing without content to put in, and with most genre's barely pushing 12 hour single player experiences these days (development costs), 50gb's is just wasted space (which is what I hate about blu-ray movies, what's the point of charging me more if I get less content than the regular DVD counterparts).

The only genre that continuously shows Blu-ray's advantage is the RPG genre, but even then, anyone who's been an RPG fan for the past 10 years would know that some of the more famous ones came in multiple discs anyway.