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Grahamhsu said:
@Picko I think we should keep it as we have no idea if MS did play the economy right, you're from Australia so you wouldn't understand.

The economy did shock a lot of people, however as Cueil said yes in NA people were expecting a recession. However we had no idea how big it was going to be. Check this link from Febuary 2008 well before E-Day (when we figured out how much shit we were in) If a president says we're not in a recession chances are he's lying or else why would he bring up the word recession in the first place?



Whilst you were looking at my profile you should've also checked out my occupation. I'm more than qualified to understand regardless of where I live :)

It's not so much whether people expected a recession or not, but the extent of it. Three months ago few people expected what we have now and even today few people are sure just how bad things could get.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall