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Sorry, but you don't get to choose the topic of the thread, the OP does that. He wants a serious discussion, so whether you like it or not you need to respect that. If you have a problem with the topic and think it violates a forum rule you can report it, but outside of that its a "post on topic or don't post at all" type of deal.

As for conservatives/republicans on this site labeling it clearly haven't read or understood (one of the two) what I've been posting. Things like:

" have to be a special kind of paranoid and truly blinded by partisanship to truly put any stock into the conspiracy idea when the evidence put forth is so completely unreliable..."

"...*this is a trash news piece*..."


This is a constitutional issue and whether it's distasteful or not it needs to be addressed. That's precisely why the Supreme Court hasn't thrown it out on its ear, and when the highest court in the land is considering a case I'm willing to give it a chance and like it or not they do have a legal leg to stand on here or they wouldn't be where they are.

I don't think your disdain/contempt for the case is unwarranted, but it has no place or use in a factual discussion. There is a fundamental difference between an emotional argument and a logical one, and you've been trying to respond to a logical discussion with emotional arguments

The case might be petty and it might be ridiculous (I've said it is on both counts), but it's their right to do it. So in this thread you can have that discussion on the merits or you can just ignore the thread and post elsewhere.

It's really that simple. And frankly I'm tired of you, Akuma, and Rubang doing this to any discussion you three personally deem unworthy. It's textbook trolling, and if you I catch you guys doing it again I will ban you. Just because you guys travel in a pack hitting up all of the political threads on the site doesn't mean you get to choose which ones are legitimate and which one's aren't.

To Each Man, Responsibility