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Sqrl, this is not a serious discussion. It's not a joke but it's a bunch of people suing with out any cause. They have no documents or evidence showing that the BC that Obama provided or the one Hawaii has on file is inaccurate. They have not shown a single document documenting foreign citizenship. (Edit: Or even that his parents ever left the States while she was pregnant) It's not serious.

One side is supporting a baseless accusation and the other is trying to explain to them why it is baseless.

It's sad that it's seems to be partisan. I wish I had voted for McCain just so I could still be on this side of the argument.

Frankly, I am disappointed that no Republicans on this site are calling it ridiculous. The Republican White House, the Federal District courts, and Republican Administration of Hawaii all seem to think that this is complete horse hockey.

The leading news site(the ones running the petition) on this issue is very clear when it comes to their motivations:
"Since all the secretaries of state will be forced to nullify the Obama-Biden ticket, the Electoral College votes would go to the next highest contender. The principle would award McCain-Palin with the total possible Electoral College votes – all 538 electors,"

The fact of the matter is, they are accusing many elected and appointed officials of being in on a conspiracy, and then denying that that is what they are accusing.

This isn't a legal issue, it's a mental health issue.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.