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JPSandhu said:
Picko said:

Microsoft has been lucky because the financial crisis and the resulting recessions (regardless of whether they have happened or happen) have made the 360 relatively more appealing than the PS3 than what would be the case during normal economic times. The price of the PS3, given current economic conditions, is an absolute killer and any price differential between it and the 360 is only magnified. To what extent they were aware of this I'm not sure, but its entirely possible that a good deal of their success against the PS3 over Christmas is the result of a little bit of luck.


is it luck or is it strategy, i think its the ladder,  MS played the crisis to it advantage.  Sony on the other... eh id rather not get into it.


It is very difficult to play a financial crisis to one's advantage, particularly when practically no-one understands what is going on or how weak conditions will be. It is common to lower prices when things are weak, the interesting part here is that neither of Microsoft's competitors were going to lower price - Nintendo because it already has excess demand and Sony because they are already selling below cost. In that regard it could have been a strategic move, however I suspect their pricing plans were considered well before we knew how bad the economy was.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall