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Others- Will not see the insane week, but nethertheless increased sales will come. as we near Cmas.

Wii- 500k I think it will crack the half million mark next week.

360- 265k  360 will continue to see great sales, and if it continues, maybe some shortages out there.

PS3- 160k Sale pick up, good sales, just not keeping pace with the other 2 though....

NA- This is where all hell breaks loose, Last year Black Friday week was the 2nd biggest week in NA, or I so believe.

Wii- 1.1 million   Call me crazy, Nintendo has a ton of Wiis for sale, and people want them (just see the consumer report Fishyjoe posted the other day)

360- 320k Nice sales, but nothing earth shattering.

PS3- 210k Meh, Price tag is killing in NA with the recession.

Japan- The holiday rush is a tad shorter there, so this will be the first week we see thing heat up a bit.

Wii-90k meh

PS3- 35k meh meh

360- 20k not bad for 360 in Japan.



Wii- 1.69   (ungodly)

360- 605k (very sexy)

PS3- 405k (not terrible, but compared to other 2 consoles)

Now, I think that this week will suck all of the wind out of the Wii, and supply will be very short for next week, will struggle to reach 700k.... but it should rebound after that. The Wii have 3-4 1000k+ weeks this year. Look for the Wii to set the single week record the Week before Cmas.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut