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erikers said:
Ronster316 said:
erikers said:

The answer is Dead Rising. Damn game sold 1.5 million for Capcom on one console and there isn't even a sequel officially announced yet.


Fear not erikers, Dead rising 2 is very much alive

Dead rising for me is the best game this generation, bring on Dead rising 2

Good times, good times indeed

Well, that's still a rumor for now and it wouldn't make me too excited to see some random canadian company making a sequel to Dead Rising.


True, but people doubted Left 4 dead at the beginning when turtle rock were making it, im sure capcom will have a lot of input in the game, and Call of duty 5 is pretty good and shows that not only infinaty can make a good call of duty game, hey, knowing its possibly in the making regardless of developer is better than no dead rising 2 at all